some assembly required

GRID:SPACE is exploring the concepts of modular, reusable building blocks for human habitation. An short-term goal is to enable the design and creation of adaptable structures that can outlive their initial purpose or limitations. As new concepts are proven, they will be posted on Thingiverse and linked here.

KIRI:MOTO and META:MOTO are some of the tools developed to aide the investigation of different building block designs.

KIRI:MOTO was created to understand fully the internals of slicers with an eye toward exploring more radical ways of creating lighter, stronger parts. While there are numerous slicers on the market, all had different failure modes with different component designs. Hundreds of hours were spent modeling parts to fool slicers into producing desirable pieces which detracted from time spent on the block concepts themselves.

META:MOTO is an early-stage block modeler conceived as a designer's tool for creating parameterizable components in a catalog. As the name implies, it is a high-level tool that relies on self-referential, nested or imported components for detailing.

Contact for more information.